Monday, July 20, 2009

Something to Ponder

Yesterday Pastor John, our pastor at JRA, spoke a message about adoption, and it was simply wonderful. I don't think I've ever heard a message on this before, and he did a super job. I have posted the link to his message below, but I have to comment on one of the things he said. He mentioned a conversation he was having with Andy Braner (see the Journey link to the right). Many of you know that the Braners have adopted a baby girl from Rwanda and are about to adopt another little boy from there as well. Pastor John asked Andy if he was concerned about attachment issues. Andy's response was that he has attachment issues but God chose him anyway. WOW!!! What an HMMMM moment for me!!!! That is so true!!! Did Christ decide not to choose or adopt me because of my lack of attachment or His concern that I wouldn't attach someday? No, and even despite my attachment issues, Christ chose me anyway. WOW AGAIN!!! I'm not quite a "peach" as PJ would put it, and I am so honored that Christ did adopt me.

James River Assembly • Messages

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1 comment:

Cassie Lane said...

Kelly--I was able to attend Sunday, and I also loved that analogy that Andy gave. It is so true.